I don't know why this story was written so poorly and the journalists did not take any time to ask a few basic questions. Well, actually, I do know why. The suspect arrived at his wife's employment, armed with a handgun, and was told by the two victims she was not there. She had ran out the back door and drove away in her car. He shot and killed both tellers. He departed and left for this wife's attorney's office.
He entered and ordered a secretary to show him where the attorney's office was. The attorney exited her office to see what the commotion was and he killed her on the spot. He fled the scene, driving directly past responding officers heading to the bank, and was seen by the detective. The detective followed, at a safe distance, the suspect as he drove to his residence, and radioed the suspect's location to arriving officers, which were setting up containment.
The detective was concealed through brush and a treeline. He had put his Kevlar helmet on and was in the process of radioing additional information, when he did a quick peek to check the location of the suspect. The suspect had retrieved a scoped hunting rifle from either the trunk of his car or his residence, set up a shooting position on the detective and killed him from approximately 120 yards through the brush and treeline. The suspect was an experienced hunter in northern Wisconsin.
The suspect barricaded himself in his residence and police utilized the U.S. government issued military vehicles, which Obama and Eric Holder ordered agencies to return to the U.S. government, to ram the residence. The suspect exited the residence shooting at police. He was shot by one of the officers in the military vehicles; however, suffered non fatal injuries and is alive. All of the killings were captured on video except the attorney's killing.
What journalists don't cover or want to cover, is what transpires after these incidents as they are too busy making excuses, justifying the suspect's actions, and blaming law enforcement. Law enforcement officers and emergency personnel, which include fire and EMS department, typically escort victims to the hospital and remain at the victim's side. Family members: husband, wife, children, mom and dads, are brought into the hospital to be with their loved ones and hold the hands of their murdered loved ones. Victims are further accompanied to the morgue and later funeral home by law enforcement. This is done out of respect, honor and love.
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