Sunday, July 23, 2017

Suspect in rape of elderly woman arrested


Total Bail Amount: BAIL DENIED
Custody/Facility: King County Correctional Facility - Seattle

Current booking #217021649, Booked: 07/22/2017 10:33 PM, Released:
Charge(s): MULTIPLE

Charge: COM PLCMNT/ROB 2RCW/ORD: 9.94A.195Court: Washington State Dept of CorrectionsBail Amount: BAIL DENIEDRelease Reason:

Charge: RAPE INVRCW/ORD: 1198Court: Bail Amount: BAIL DENIEDRelease Reason:

Charge: ASSAULT INVRCW/ORD: 1399Court: Bail Amount: BAIL DENIEDRelease Reason:

Charge: BURGLARY INVRCW/ORD: 2299Court: Bail Amount: BAIL DENIEDRelease Reason:

Charge: COMM. PLCMNT-ROB2RCW/ORD: 9.94A.195Court: Washington State Dept of CorrectionsBail Amount: BAIL DENIED

Call Fake News ‘Viral Deception,’ Panelist Tells 9th Circuit Conference

Monday, July 17, 2017

Hong Kong Investigation

Right now we are working on an international investigation in Hong Kong.  This picture is the Hong Kong skyline.  Hong Kong is about 15 hours ahead of us and it's been  difficult communicating back and forth.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Michael Javorsky - Son's response to verdict

Michael Javorsky - Civil Rights Violations sustained against City of Lakewood

Three weeks ago I posted the my first article which featured this ongoing jury trial in Seattle U.S. District Court and declared that City of Police Chief Zaro and the City of Lakewood WAS guilty of violating this person's clvi rights period.  Well, I was right.  I also previously indicated the specific involved LE enforcement personnel will face federal criminal proceedings, which I predict
should begin in the near future.  Probably will be announced during a DOJ press conference.  They also have the NAACP and ACLU to deal with now.

Some of the key points to this trial was the jury "unanimously" found them guilty and is the  largest police deadly force verdicts in state history.  Also, it's comical and pure corruption that Chief Zaro conducted the investigation into the original incident and the sniper officer did not provide a statement for several weeks later.  The also killed the family dog.  What I am concerned about is the absolute fact that officers that testified the above LE overacted will face retaliation with their employers.  What the public needs to know is Chief Zaro and his command staff have a history of terminating officers for the most minor offenses and making the officers fight to get their jobs back.  This causing severe mental,  physical, and financial anguish to the officers.

Chief Zaro and involved LE should have their Peace Officer Certification taken away by the WSCJTC.   I will tell you why.  Because, they don't believe they did anything wrong so what is preventing them from unjustifiably killing another citizen.  It's been proven by a jury they cannot demonstrate the needed judgement and decision making skills to be in LE.  I am going to email the Executive Director of the WSCJTC to find out if this will occur.  By the way, the jury found for the Thomas family and estate on every count: unreasonable seizure, excessive force, deprivation of family relationship, using explosives to breach the home, unreasonably killing the family dog, false arrest, negligent investigation and causing severe emotional distress.

I also plan on suggesting to the Executive Director a new category be added to the NOTICE OF OFFICER HIRE/TERMINATION Form CJ-1902 to include termination for violation of a person's civil rights.