is another fantastic article that documents what I put up with for years and
occurs in WA State much more prevalent than any other state. "internal investigations were unfair and that
punishments were subjective" that is the core problem for officers in WA
The Washington Criminal Justice Training Commission should be addressing this along with legislature; however, the Washington Association of Chiefs and Sheriff's have lobbyists that will quickly shoot down any mention of the creation of a police and fire commission or any law to define progressive discipline. They, the Sheriff's, Chief's of police, city council, mayors, etc... want this corrupt system kept the same, giving them the power to terminate any officer at any time for any reason. Most abused reason now, is allegations of dishonesty. The actual violation is irrelevant, departments will accuse an officer of a bogus unsubstantiated policy violation, which is irrelevant, then use subjective standard to accuse the officer of being dishonest during the investigation, thus terminating them in the end. What do the unions do to address this? Nothing, their priority is winning local and nationwide democratic political positions.
What is comical about police chiefs and sheriffs is they will gather for their yearly international and state meetings to share tactics how to terminate officers, but they will ignore the results of an investigation like the one in
What is also comical is the tax payers are the ones who end up paying for all of this. Why should anyone outside of law enforcement care? Because, I can take the same method of operation that is used to harass, retaliate, and terminate an innocent officer and use it in the private sector, such as a software development company to a plumbing company. I can leave a terminated employee with no chance of an appeal for his or her job back. From what I have learned from corrupt chiefs and administrations, I can also make sure any employee is denied unemployment compensation and no longer be employable. It is all about being a creative writer and the remembering the truth is irrelevant. Finally, it is the responsibility of the terminated employee to prove his/her innocence.