Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas Special !!!

Christmas special: Several of our clients suggested we offer this service.  Do you have a relative, friend or acquaintance that you have lost contact with.  We will attempt to locate the person to mail Christmas cards.  For $25.00 we will provide you with last known address, email and/or telephone number of the person. 

Email us at contact@nwseattleinvestigations.com with as much information you have for the person, such as full name with middle initial if known, date of birth or approximate age, last known address or city, or last known telephone number if known.  Please share this with your co-workers and friends.  Contact us for terms and conditions.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Michael Javorsky - Subjective Discipline

Here is another fantastic article that documents what I put up with for years and occurs in WA State much more prevalent than any other state.  "internal investigations were unfair and that punishments were subjective" that is the core problem for officers in WA State. 

The Washington Criminal Justice Training Commission should be addressing this along with legislature; however, the Washington Association of Chiefs and Sheriff's have lobbyists that will quickly shoot down any mention of the creation of a police and fire commission or any law to define progressive discipline.  They, the Sheriff's, Chief's of police, city council, mayors, etc... want this corrupt system kept the same, giving them the power to terminate any officer at any time for any reason.  Most abused reason now, is allegations of dishonesty.  The actual violation is irrelevant, departments will accuse an officer of a bogus unsubstantiated policy violation, which is irrelevant, then use subjective standard to accuse the officer of being dishonest during the investigation, thus terminating them in the end.  What do the unions do to address this?  Nothing, their priority is winning local and nationwide democratic political positions.   

What is comical about police chiefs and sheriffs is they will gather for their yearly international and state meetings to share tactics how to terminate officers, but they will ignore the results of an investigation like the one in Los Angeles.  The other issue that is just now getting attention is command staff deliberately leaving mitigating facts that exonerate an officer out of an investigation.  Luckily, a recent court case ruled a detective in internal affairs was personally liable for doing such and the terminated officer moved forward with the civil suit against the detective.    

What is also comical is the tax payers are the ones who end up paying for all of this.  Why should anyone outside of law enforcement care?  Because, I can take the same method of operation that is used to harass, retaliate, and terminate an innocent officer and use it in the private sector, such as a software development company to a plumbing company.  I can leave a terminated employee with no chance of an appeal for his or her job back.  From what I have learned from corrupt chiefs and administrations, I can also make sure any employee is denied unemployment compensation and no longer be employable.  It is all about being a creative writer and the remembering the truth is irrelevant.  Finally, it is the responsibility of the terminated employee to prove his/her innocence.        


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Lakewood busted, not surprised the least.


Well aint that a hoot.  Well that just keeps with tradition the City of Lakewood, preferential treatment of some officers and the crucifiction of others for extremely minor infractions.  Good old boys environment.  Cherry on Top: Refusing to release public records, lying to the public to protect "golden boys" and the city.  Same old method of operation of most cities in WA State.  Will anyone be held accountable, NOPE.    

Monday, October 27, 2014

Michael Javorsky - Stolen Seattle Mariner's baseball memorabilia case solved.

A Seattle resident's home was burglarized and approximately $42,000 in vintage Seattle Mariner's baseball cards and memorabilia was stolen.  The items had been passed down through three generations.  A burglary report was filed with the City of Seattle Police Department; however, investigating this case quickly was imperative due to the ease in moving such items.  Also, the probability of recovering such items was very low.  We interviewed the client and identified a short list of suspects, one being the client's ex-girlfriend whom was a recovering heroin addict. 

Unfortunately, the girlfriend was not answering her cell phone and had no current address; however, a relative did indicate she had received a telephone call from the ex from a suspicious telephone number.  A follow-up of the number led us to a Seattle hotel.  Surveillance was initiated and after thirty minutes, guess who exited a hotel room.

After a few minutes of questioning, she admitted to knowing about the burglary and knew who possessed the property.  Ultimately, she was uncooperative and provided false and misleading information.  She also asked for money to assist.  Denied.  We located information on her methamphetamine/percocet/heroin dealers.  We telephoned several of them and each were overly cooperative and deceitful.  After many games played by the typical Seattle drug dealers, we offered the primary suspect involved an offer he could not refuse.  He relinquished the items in lieu of prosecution by our client.  All the items were recovered except a $100 baseball card.      

Only an investigation company consisting of previous law enforcement, specifically those with backgrounds in narcotics enforcement could have properly worked this case.  

Michael Javorsky Intravaia Investigations, Seattle, WA. Happy Halloween


Monday, October 13, 2014

Dishonest Command Staff


This is the continued LA Times investigation of LAPD and their falsifying public records and staffing levels.  As we will learn, no disciplinary action will be taken against anyone because the responsible parties are all command level employees.  Joel Rubin has been working this investigation for several years and has done an amazing job.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Background Investigations

A highly respected and long running national business magazine is probably going to do an article about our company. Specifically, how we conduct background investigations and why they are so important.  Below, I outlined my reasons for wanting the article published.  

I think an article about conducting background investigations on prospective and/or current employees with sensitive positions, would be very informative.  I do not really have to sell this idea, because of several recent national examples of companies that did not do backgrounds or did an improper background, which ultimately resulted in a law suit and/or inexcusable security breach.  The security breach involved our President and an employee of Walden Security.  Walden Security has a multimillion dollar contract with the U.S. Government, or I should say, did. 

I have several clients that learned the hard way and now I do all their backgrounds.  In part because their insurance companies require it now.  Hiring the wrong person can haunt a company for years.  Our investigators are all prior law enforcement officers, and we are excellent bull shit detectors.  We conduct real in depth backgrounds on people, which are almost identical to the background investigation a police department conducts on an applicant for police officer.  Ours are broad and thorough.  We have identified critical trends in employment market.  Furthermore, EEOC’s 2012 Regulations on Criminal Background Checks has had an impact on background screening.  These are some points that separate us from other companies.  Some key points are:

1.  Backgrounds are basic risk assessment and management for any sized company or organization.  There is no excuse not to do one.   
2.  The cost involved is so minor, $65.00 an hour, compare that to the cost of litigation if the wrong person is hired.  Initial screenings can take only an hour. 
3.  Identify persons that would be the best fit for your company, ie... individual’s behavior, character, and integrity
4.  Failing to conduct a comprehensive background can result in one of the following: lower your team’s morale, hinder productivity, and even impact customer relations.
5.  Save your company the cost and time expended in finding a replacement for that poor hiring decision.
6.  Save your company money both in lost company earnings and/or expenses related to a problem employee such as unemployment compensation, confidentiality agreements, settlement payouts, that include temporary health care coverage.
7.  Some insurance companies offer a lower rate if a company does backgrounds on their employees.
8.  It's a marketing tool for a company as well.  Companies inform prospective clients that backgrounds are conducted on employees. 
9.  Offers protection to the company in the event of a law suit filed against the company. 

10.  Sets the tone of conduct and expectation of all employees within an organization.      

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

No excuse for not conducting a background


This is just another perfect example of how companies should call us and pay $65.00 for a general background investigation on an employee.  This company that has a contract with the Center for Disease Control should have their contract with the government terminated.  Tomorrow, I will ID the company.

This is the second known incident where the President could have been harmed and even killed. There is no excuse for this.

A guy with one foot ran into the White House and was just a few feet away from Obama's bed. Just imagine how many actual terrorists are now going to try and make it into the White House by running across the lawn. And as you read the news. we continually learn more about other incidents.    

Monday, August 11, 2014

LA Times LAPD article


This is one of the best well written articles I have ever seen.  This article right here blows the lid off a management of pure misconduct and flat out corruption in part fueled by politics and also professional desires.  I know from first hand experience this happens and LAPD got caught red handed.  Not once, but twice, which is another key issue.  They do not care if they are got.  Arrogance and "I am god" attitude prevail.  They try to mitigate their guilt, which is normal; however, they are caught.  End of story.

First part of my law enforcement career, was for a liberal University Police Department.  Sgt.'s changed burglaries to thefts and when there was a rash of car prowls, the president of the university directed the police chief to create a second car prowl classification which was for theft of accessories.  All of this was to decrease crime stats.  I remember as a detective, investigating stranger rapes, and the Sgt. of Detectives would basically pressure and bully me into changing the location of the rape to "off campus."  "off campus" that is another story completely.  The few good detectives that exist in the U.S., know you always return to the scene of the crime with the victim, but seldom do.  In the rape case, I did exact that and took a statement before returning to the police station.  The Sgt. read the statement and was furious.  He actually ran into the chief's office and slammed the door.

Dead bodies:  this is another comical topic.  I remember watching my captain, lieutenant and Sgt. arguing with the entire command staff at the City of Seattle Police Department.  There was an elderly gentleman that had walked away from a residential home, slipped off the university owned dock, and into the water.  He drowned.  He was face up and his eyes were wide open.  His cane was up above the dock on a wire.  He must have tried to catch himself with the cane.

So anyway, I was primary on the scene.  My command staff did not want the death statistic, so they told Seattle Sgt. they were primary. This lead to the entire command staff at Seattle coming to the scene.  You see, the university owned the dock and the water was Seattle jurisdiction.  My command staff argued the death occurred in the City of Seattle.  This went on for about ten minutes, then the shouting started and a fight was inevitable.  Calls were made and I ended up taking the case.  After this, our relationship with the Seattle Police Department was forever tarnished.

Later, a speed boat crashed into the pier and up onto the grass.  It collided with a tree and a gentleman was killed that had been sleeping down below.  Again, the university attempted to argue the death accident was not within their jurisdiction; however, a Seattle Sgt. was on scene and recalled our command staff's position.

A few months later, I was working a large case and worked with the university risk management.  There I learned that approximately 100 yards off shore is still the jurisdiction of the university.  They told me that ALL command staff of the police department knew this and have know this for years.  So what was the universities answer to not acquiring these stats, change what is considered on campus and what is not.  Even though all the property belonged to the university.  Basically, lying.  Exactly what LAPD has been doing and does.

Just imagine what happened to my law enforcement career, when I was solely responsible for increasing the drug arrests by 50% within one year and seized over 24 cars.  And to make matters worse, I arrested everyone, regardless of race.  This angered the university more than anything.      

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Intravaia Investigations LLC Company Commercials

My friends and clients suggested I let people know about our various short commercials we make and two of them are on Komo4.com.  Below are some of the links.







Friday, June 27, 2014

Michael Javorsky


This is clearly another reason why the State of WA needs a Police & Fire Commission to be responsible for investigating and deciding discipline for police and firefighters; however, as long as the Police and Sheriff's have lobbyists it will never happen.  I know officers who have been fired for getting their police cars stuck in the mud, used as a political scapegoat, and clearly for retaliatory reasons.  

This article doesn't address the safety mechanisms that are in place within police departments and terminate pursuits like this, such as the on duty supervisor.  Why is there no mention of this, I imagine because the person who wrote the article and investigated it has no background in police policies, which would help the article.  The article doesn't address who conducted the internal investigation, which under know circumstances should have been the City of Bothell the presumably named defendant in the future wrongful death suit.

This case is pure sadness and unfortunately doesn't have any racial overtones or trending issue.  As an officer, I always felt each jurisdiction should have the right and ability to terminate any pursuit within their jurisdiction regardless of the actual police agency conducting the pursuit.  I, of course was laughed at when I proposed this to a mayor and command staff, because that makes no sense at all and it came from me and not a "golden" employee being groomed for promotion.     

Seattle City Light corruption


First of all I am in complete shock the local media even covered this story and second I am curious if the FBI is looking into this.  This is another fine example of unregulated government doing whatever they please with your money.  Look how much money they spent on risk management to stop the truth from being told.
Ridiculous.  This guy owns a 1.6 million dollar home in Seattle.  Anyone heard of the fiasco in Bell California where politicians and city officials are now in prison.  A complete thorough investigation of all employees and business transactions should be conduct by the FBI and anyone caught even at 50% suspicion of probable case for criminal act should be arrested.  Use the same level of probable cause that is used for off duty and former police officers.  There is no reason at all and completely un-defensible to argue this employee deserves to be paid so much.  It would be comical if it was not so serious.  

More complete bullshit and if this case did not have any racial overtone, this man would have already been terminated.  Right now there is probably an King County or City of Seattle custodian facing termination for being suspected only of not cleaning an office and this clown above keeps his job.  Politics 101.  What's more horrific is the ridiculous expression on the enabler's faces of pubic employees/administrators who can actually look you in the eye and deny what I have said.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Sheriff's Deputy Arrested


I am looking forward to the next few months when the entire story is revealed and when you read the charging document above, you will see how creative the probable cause statements are. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Casey Kasem story


Monday, June 9, 2014

Another horrible trend for law enforcement


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Win in court for Kerri


Friday was a great win for Kerri.  The post hearing press conference was fantastic also.  As soon as the media releases the footage, i will post it.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Jean Kasem meat toss

Yesterday, Jean Kasem exited the residence and confronted Kerri Kasem and I out on the road while we waited for the paramedics to remove Casey Kasem from the house.  I saw she had something in her hand, so I warned Karri. We backed up a bit and recorded her newest rant.  Normally, we do not release any information related to a case; however, Kerri requested I distribute the video.  It was a one pound package of raw hamburger, which was open and out of the packaging.  It was actually gross and a waste of food.

Casey Kasem Investigation


Normally we do not share case investigation information; however, my client Kerri Kasem specifically told me to discuss this situation with her father.  I have been working side by side with Kerri since she arrived in Washington.  The incident yesterday, was quite comical and concerning.  Jean threw a one pound package of raw hamburger as Kerri and I and recited a verse.  Also, one of Jean Kasem's biker friends that has been repeatedly antoganizing us, attemted to bully and instigate a fight.  I was raised to stand up for yourself instead of cowering down like so many people do in the NW.  I am confident this biker guy will re think his misguided endevours and excersise better judgement in the future. We transported Kasem to the hospital, he was evaluated by doctors and admitted to the ICU.  Within two hours Kasem appeared to be doing better and was more aware.  I am personally so proud of Kerri for battling the system to care for her father who clearly needed the support of his loved ones.  

Friday, May 30, 2014

Casey Kasem case


We have been working this case for about a month now.  Kerrie Kasem has given me permission to discuss this case, which is normally not what we do.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Marijuana Oil

A recent case of mine involved marijuana oil and I am learning how and who this is used by, which is everyone from the poor to the very rich.  A client recently showed up driving his new Tesla and he was high as a kite.  Keep in mind, I conducted a significant amount of narcotics investigations involving hash oil, heroin, meth, etc... seized vehicles, money and property.  In particular, I should have received an honorary degree in psychology from my interactions with users and anyone exposed to this lifestyle.  

I believe the new oil's presence has been absent from media coverage due to its clear negativity and in particular ignored by states that have legalized marijuana.  The "legal" growers of marijuana are using this, it's the Ferrari of marijuana.    

Various news organizations throughout the country have been reporting drug lab explosions; however, had not specifically described the causes of these explosion.  These labs are within residential neighborhoods, your neighbors.  The issue with this oil is the obvious and causes severe psychological damage to users.  I have spent a significant amount of time interacting with victims, witnesses and suspects that use this on a regular basis.  OMG, absolutely crazy they are.  

They exhibit classic characteristics of paranoid schizophrenia, then ad that to someone who is armed and has long very long felony record.  Or a business owner who manages employees and is in charge of your career.  The use of this new oil is another issue that government is about two years behind in its knowledge base.  

“Butane honey oil,” also called “wax,” has been a growing trend in the marijuana market, officials said. Dabs of it can be vaporized and inhaled without the smoke and pungent odor of marijuana, an act called “dabbing.” The method produces a stronger high even among those who have strong tolerance to cannabis.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Off duty police working security at marijuana dispensaries? Are you high?


I will make this quick because it is such an easy question to answer; however, it appears to be difficult for the more politically correct police departments to answer.  This is regarding off duty police officers working security at marijuana pot dispensaries in Washington State. 

If an off duty law enforcement officer is working overtime at a marijuana pot dispensary within WA State he/she would be committing the offenses of:  Federal United States Drug Distribution & Conspiracy Charges 21 U.S.C.A. § 846

Conspiracy is defined as an agreement by two or more people to commit a crime, or to accomplish a legal end through illegal actions. The government must merely prove a “general intent” to violate the law.

 (D) In the case of less than 50 kilograms of marihuana, except in the case of 50 or more marihuana plants regardless of weight, 10 kilograms of hashish, or one kilogram of hashish oil, such person shall, except as provided in paragraphs (4) and (5) of this subsection, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than 5 years, a fine not to exceed the greater of that authorized in accordance with the provisions of title 18 or $250,000 if the defendant is an individual or $1,000,000 if the defendant is other than an individual, or both. If any person commits such a violation after a prior conviction for a felony drug offense has become final, such person shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than 10 years, a fine not to exceed the greater of twice that authorized in accordance with the provisions of title 18 or $500,000 if the defendant is an individual or $2,000,000 if the defendant is other than an individual, or both. Notwithstanding section 3583 of title 18, any sentence imposing a term of imprisonment under this paragraph shall, in the absence of such a prior conviction, impose a term of supervised release of at least 2 years in addition to such term of imprisonment and shall, if there was such a prior conviction, impose a term of supervised release of at least 4 years in addition to such term of imprisonment.
Now let's say that while working at the marijuana pot dispensary, the dispensary is robbed, which will become more common as the months go by, and the LEO uses deadly force.  Well, now you are looking at a murder charge under Federal Law against EVERYONE under the conspiracy section of Federal Code. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Mother of 4 found murdered in Kirkland

This is so unbelievably horrible.  Our company will be making a donation as soon as a financial institution is identified as receiving donations for the children.  http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/police-say-mother-four-was-murdered/ncg4L/